
Dear Brinkley Family, 

To be as transparent as possible, I want to make you aware that a Facebook post was made about a child that attends the elementary school being on a ventilator. Neither our District Point of Contact(POC)nor any administrator was notified of this matter. We are in the process of investigating this matter, but I can assure you that the District is doing everything within our power to ensure that your child is safe on campus. Also, we do not have a COVID outbreak in the schools, as far as we are aware. If we are to do school safely and mitigate the spread of COVID-19, parents must not send their child to school sick and should notify the school if the child is ill and plans to get tested or has already been tested, or if you the parent or guardian has tested positive. We receive many phone calls from concerned patrons telling the school that a child is on campus and their parent has tested positive. So far, our investigations have determined that the child was, in fact, eligible to return to campus. We take every call serious. However, we cannot do proper contact tracing throughout the District if parents and guardians do not cooperate and notify the appropriate district officials or if we don’t have a working number on file. Last week, a letter went out and was posted on the District's website and all social media platforms with the POC's telephone number. Ms. Tina Hollowell is the District's Point of Contact, and she can be reached at  (870) 319-5861.

Please do your part and help us keep our students and staff safe and our schools open.