

Brinkley Public Schools district will be offering FREE breakfast and lunch meals to community children that are 18-year-old and under. Meals can be picked- up from CB Partee Elementary School Cafeteria starting Monday June 10th through Tuesday June 25th from 8:10-10:45. Meals can only be given to parents or guardians.  If you choose to pick-up on Mondays each child can receive 7 breakfast and 7 lunch meals.  Tuesdays you can receive 6 breakfast and 6 lunch meals. Meals will only be given out on Monday and Tuesday.  Students in Brinkley’s summer school programs are eligible to receive breakfast and lunch meals for Friday, Saturday and Sunday.  These meals will be sent home with the students on Thursday.  If you would like your child(ren) to participate please complete the information below by noon on Monday June 3rd. If you have any questions please call Elizabeth Butler, Child Nutrition Director @ 870-734-5111.

If you are unable to complete the electronic form please pick up a form from 8-noon M-Thur.  at the High School office, Elementary school office,  or the superintendent’s office.