
Dear Parent/Guardian,

As partners in your child’s education, it is important to ensure that they are prepared for
each step along their educational journey. One way to determine student preparedness
is through assessment; therefore, we will be administering ATLAS assessments to
students on Monday, March 4, 2024, with make-up testing on Friday, March 8, 2024.
Your child will be taking the ATLAS test on the following date:

Writing March 4 (Monday) 3 rd -4 th Grades
Writing March 7 (Thursday) 5 th -6 th Grades
Make-up (Writing) March 8 (Friday) All Grades

Please make sure your child gets adequate sleep and has a good breakfast on testing
days to ensure a successful testing experience.
Testing will begin promptly each day at 8:45 a.m. Make sure your child is at school at
or before 8:00 a.m. each day.

ATLAS test results will provide important information regarding how your child is
progressing at his/her current grade level. Test scores will indicate which important
skills, abilities, and knowledge your student has now, and which ones need to be
learned for school success in the future. Results will help your child’s teacher
understand where your child is succeeding, as well as where extra help or academic
focus is needed.